Have you noticed a difference in your employees’ attitudes and morale? It’s no surprise. Feelings of stress and anxiety have intensified throughout the last two years. In fact, approximately 60% of BC residents feel their mental health is in a worse state now than before the pandemic. Over the last year, we have also seen… View Article

Vancouver – March 3, 2021 – The BCCA Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) is honoured to announce the appointment of Christy Kerr to the position of Chair of its Board of Trustees. Christy has been serving as a Board Trustee for the EBT since 2013. Co-founder and Director of Finance for Kerr Controls Inc., a leading… View Article

Pharmacogenetic Testing Effective Mar 1, 2021, GSC will add Pharmacogenetic testing through GenXys as standard medical services benefit under Diagnostic Services/Laboratory Tests. Pharmacogenetics (PGx) is a form of “personalized medicine” and is one of several genetic testing available for medical purposes. The test determines whether a person has certain genetic mutations that are known to influence their… View Article

We are pleased to announce that the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust has partnered with PocketPills – Canada’s #1 digital pharmacy to give you a “stay home, stay healthy” option for your medication needs. As part of your coverage through the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust, you can now fill and manage your prescription from the convenience… View Article

December 12, 2020 Eye Exams Routine eye exams are an eligible expense for reimbursement through your extended health plan. Effective January 1, 2021, your plan will now cover eye exams up to the reasonable and customary fee limit in your area (previously your plan covered $70 for adults every 24 months and $70 for children every 12 months). Please… View Article

The federal government recently announced an increase in the employment insurance (EI) maximum insurable earnings amount. They also announced a corresponding increase in the EI weekly maximum benefit. Effective January 1, 2022, maximum insurable earnings will increase to $60,300 per year for an insured worker. Accordingly, the new maximum EI benefit amount will be $638… View Article

For the past five years, we have organized flu shot clinics for our members and other employees in the construction industry. As we all know, this year is a little different. And the flu vaccine is more important than ever. We understand it may be challenging for each of your employees to attend the clinics…. View Article

The federal and provincial health authorities continue to ask Canadians to stay two meters apart from each other. When this isn’t possible, additional precautions such as enhanced cleaning practices need to be implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As businesses have resumed operations, many services normally available under your Extended Health and Dental plan… View Article

At the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust (EBT), the summer months mark the end of our fiscal year, a time of reflection and planning for the upcoming year. This is also the time of year when we normally interact with many of you through community and charity events. Though we regret that we have had to… View Article

Fall 2021 may be a bizarre time of year as schools reopen and we move towards “normal”. Many changes are expected for various institutions, but one thing remains constant – influenza (flu) season is upon us. As you know, catching the seasonal flu could be devastating for the overall health of your employees and their… View Article

The COVID-19 Money Navigator is a new help/chat line offered by Family Services of Greater Vancouver (FSGV) so you can access information from qualified individuals regarding money and finances, in relation to government services and benefits which are currently offered at the provincial and federal level, options available to you to help deal with the burden of debt, and… View Article

The COVID-19 Crisis Relief Plan has concluded and rate reductions listed below are no longer in effect. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and many sectors of the economy slowly re-open we remain committed to reducing the financial burden facing our members through the COVID-19 Crisis Relief Plan. The COVID-19 Crisis Relief Plan is a temporary measure to help… View Article

Last year our Green Shield Canada (GSC) members were notified of GSC’s position on non-emergency extended health and dental claims incurred outside of Canada (not including drug claims) and that GSC would take a phased approach to provide a better plan member experience. As a reminder: Effective January 1, 2020, plan members must submit all non-emergency claims in… View Article

The COVID-19 Crisis Relief Plan has been updated and rate reductions listed below have extended until July, 2020. The federal and provincial health authorities continue to ask all Canadians to stay two meters apart from each other and to stay home, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They have also now indicated that starting next… View Article

The COVID-19 Crisis Relief Plan has been updated since the introduction below, which was written on March 27. The Federal and Provincial health authorities asked all Canadians to stay two meters away from each other. Our community is instructed to stay home, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This has disrupted operations for many businesses…. View Article