Substance use is a serious issue that affects every aspect of a struggling person’s life. But it’s not just the affected person that suffers the consequences. Loved ones and colleagues of the struggling person experience the serious effects, too. Substance Use Issues are Common Approximately 1 in 12 adults suffers from a substance use problem…. View Article

The various pressures and responsibilities faced by workers in the construction industry can lead to high levels of emotional stress. Whether your role is in an office, onsite supervising a crew, hands-on, or a combination of these, it’s likely that you face physically and mentally demanding work that takes place in fast-paced environments that often require… View Article

54 percent of Canadians experiencing mental-health issues haven’t sought medical support. These issues can lead to increased absenteeism, presenteeism, and decreased productivity. That’s why it’s imperative you remind your team about resources, such as MindBeacon, available under their benefits plan. MindBeacon is affordable, accessible, and effective mental health care. It’s changing the therapy landscape for… View Article

Pharmacogenetic Testing Effective Mar 1, 2021, GSC will add Pharmacogenetic testing through GenXys as standard medical services benefit under Diagnostic Services/Laboratory Tests. Pharmacogenetics (PGx) is a form of “personalized medicine” and is one of several genetic testing available for medical purposes. The test determines whether a person has certain genetic mutations that are known to influence their… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions It’s common courtesy to avoid political discussions at work. Still, they do happen. If resistance is futile, these tips can help prevent a fracas: 1) Learn to self-intervene. When tension builds, move the discussion along to more work-related matters. 2) Check your visceral reaction. Politics prompts a “flight or… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Computer phishing and viruses cause big trouble, but if your internet protocol (IP) address is stolen and your computer is hacked, a crime could be committed and blamed on you. Your IP address is like your fingerprints on the web. Follow your organization’s security protocols. At home, protect your… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions You are working remotely from home with a task that takes two hours to complete. You have four hours available, so you plan to finish early. But the job takes all four hours! What happened? You are likely a victim of Parkinson’s Law. It states that a task or… View Article

Mental health is a serious topic, but the conversation and education around it can be fun, lighthearted, and comfortable. Here are some ways you can comfortably talk about mental health with your family. Talk about yourself! An easy way to create an open, comfortable environment around taboo topics is to discuss your own experiences. Describe… View Article

October 7, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions We are currently in the second wave of the pandemic and it’s crucial that you follow the BC Health Minister’s recommendation of keeping your bubble to a maximum of six people. Medical experts also suggest that over the holidays, you should avoid socializing with those who do not live under… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions “Back-to-school” means something dramatically different this fall, but coping well with changes requires discussing them together as a family. After school, ask the kids how things are going, but expect the usual “hmm … fine.” To identify hidden worries, like bullying or social skills gaps that are causing distress,… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Brainstorming is powerful stuff. A group of people gather to find a solution by generating ideas without filtering, qualifying, judging, or feeling embarrassed about wild ideas. This resource does the same thing—you don’t need others to use this “fast idea generator” tool. Find it at The worksheet prompts… View Article

Working remotely is the new normal for many employees. This change is requiring millions of workers to adapt. However, when family time increases, so can domestic stress. Add social isolation mandates, and you have a recipe for increased bickering and family squabbles. Have you experienced this “quarantine quarreling”? Has it affected your work productivity? We’re… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions There are best practices for coping with tragedy in the workplace, and communication is crucial for all of them. Share all the appropriate information. It facilitates healing discussions among workers. Don’t judge others’ reactions. There is no “correct” way of reacting to tragedy. Each person is unique, and the… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions “Walk faster and live longer” is a popular health tip. Now, research seems to support it. A three-year study of 92,000 people found that those who walked briskly for seven minutes daily within a 12-minute walk had a 30% lower likelihood of death. A two-minute brisk walk within a… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Embrace these overlooked work habits to impress company leadership: Put away the smartphone before the meeting begins. You might be producing good work as you’re tapping away, but phones are also fun, leisurely browsing devices. Many managers who have to compete with your phone might assume you’re indifferent, but… View Article

Have you recently hired new employees? Introduce them to their new benefits plan by completing the form below. We will send over new employee packages your way as soon as we receive your request. [contact-form-7 id=”1458″ title=”Request Employee Packages”]

Did you know the average length of illness from the flu is seven days? That’s a long time to feel under the weather, a huge loss for your business (up to $1,500 in productivity/person), and a handful of stress added to your home life. The flu shot can help you avoid these consequences and you… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions After months of social distancing, lockdowns, favorite businesses being shuttered, and a lot fewer places to go for recreation, meals, and entertainment, are you feeling “COVID fatigue”? The term was first coined in July, but the condition appears to be real. Feeling bottled up, intensely irritable, and frustrated are… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Everyone knows dramatic changes have occurred in the way we live as a result of COVID-19. No one knows for certain what a “new normal” will look like in the future when the lockdowns and social isolation are over and the ultimate shifts in the world of work finally… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Are you feeling anxious about ensuring a smooth transition for children going back to school? After their lengthy absence, you may need to be more deliberate. Start to introduce daily routines and earlier bedtimes in preparation for the big day. Start winding down screen use an hour before bedtime,… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Alcoholics Anonymous figured out how to carry its message of hope and recovery to alcoholics worldwide a long time ago, and the online portal it established could not be more timely in the era of COVID-19 social distancing. Over 1,000 meetings are a click away. To use the no-cost… View Article

What is MindBeacon? MindBeacon offers mental health tools you can access from the comfort of your computer. MindBeacon offers three programs: Stronger Minds, Virtual Therapy, and Live Therapy. Stronger Minds Stronger Minds by MindBeacon is your go-to source for reliable and relatable mental health information. MindBeacon built this community to provide you with the… View Article

Help your team members with financial stress Mental health problems are three times higher among people who have debt. And since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada, 5.5 million Canadians faced unemployment or had their hours significantly reduced. For some, this stress and uncertainty around their financial future can be challenging to confront whereas for others… View Article

The COVID-19 Money Navigator is a new help/chat line offered by Family Services of Greater Vancouver (FSGV) so you can access information from qualified individuals regarding money and finances, in relation to government services and benefits which are currently offered at the provincial and federal level, options available to you to help deal with the burden of debt, and… View Article

An employee hired after your group’s start date must apply for coverage for themselves and their eligible dependents within 31 days of their eligibility date. If he/she applies after this deadline, he/she and their dependents are considered to be a Late Applicant. Below is an example of a standard 3 month waiting period: An employee… View Article

Last year our Green Shield Canada (GSC) members were notified of GSC’s position on non-emergency extended health and dental claims incurred outside of Canada (not including drug claims) and that GSC would take a phased approach to provide a better plan member experience. As a reminder: Effective January 1, 2020, plan members must submit all non-emergency claims in… View Article

Adjudication: the process used by the insurance company to determine the eligibility of a claim and the amount to be reimbursed. Calendar Year Maximum: the maximum coverage available to an insured individual between January 1st and December 31st. Claims Experience: a measure of the claim payments made by the insurance company to the premium payments… View Article

Planning a trip abroad is an exciting process. You get to choose the perfect accommodations, research fun activities and explore new cultures. The last thing on your mind is something could go sideways. Thankfully you have travel insurance! Travel insurance offers peace-of-mind when planning a big trip. If you’re a member of the BCCA Employee… View Article

Your employees are your strongest asset and one of the biggest investments for your company. A healthy and engaged staff is more productive than an unhealthy and unhappy team. Also, employees with poor health can’t exert the effort required to be highly productive. Further, you need engaged employees to create innovative solutions. Offering employee benefits… View Article

Have you recently hired some employees from outside of Canada? These new foreign workers are a major asset to your team. So naturally, you want to ensure that you’re doing your best to take care of them. It can be confusing to know where to start in obtaining coverage for your new employees. That’s why… View Article