Have you listened to someone vent about an issue they’re facing? As someone outside of their experience, you may believe you can see opportunities for the person to help themself. So you offer solution after solution only to get frustrated because you feel they’re not receptive to your help. Did you consider that offering solutions… View Article

Loss is one of the most difficult human experiences. The feelings are often overwhelming, painful, and difficult to cope with. Grief is the natural response to experiencing a loss—whether it’s the death of a loved one, a health issue, or financial or work-related losses. One of the hardest parts about grieving is that it can… View Article

How often you should get your eyes checked depends on many factors including age, eye health, physical health, symptoms & more. Dr. Kim shares his insights. Your eyesight is an integral part of day-to-day life. Maintaining proper eye health starts with proper eye care—including regular eye exams. But, how often should adults be getting an… View Article

Managing your diabetes can be a lifelong undertaking. And worrying about your diabetes can add stress to your day-to-day living. Stress, in turn, can negatively impact your diabetes by directly affecting your glucose levels. Research has shown that 33% to 50% of people with diabetes are experiencing diabetes stress and are two or three times… View Article

Substance use is a serious issue that affects every aspect of a struggling person’s life. But it’s not just the affected person that suffers the consequences. Loved ones and colleagues of the struggling person experience the serious effects, too. Substance Use Issues are Common Approximately 1 in 12 adults suffers from a substance use problem…. View Article

90% of people living with diabetes have type 2. But we have good news! Type 2 diabetes is preventable and reversible when detected and managed early. So, empower your employees to maintain their health and encourage them to register for this workshop. By the end of this workshop, you and your employees will: Understand the… View Article

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? When depression strikes at a certain time of year—when you notice that you’re just not yourself, your energy and motivation are off, and you just feel down—it could be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). You might have heard of SAD referred to as the “winter blues,” which is a term… View Article

Employers and supervisors perform a critical function in helping employees who struggle with SAD. The best ways you can help are by educating yourself about SAD and by letting your employees know of the resources available to them if they are experiencing mental health issues. Simply having the awareness that depressive symptoms will be more… View Article

Coping with SAD can involve many facets of wellness. Below we’ve listed a few ways that may help you cope with SAD. Keep in mind, you may need to stack methods such as light therapy with eating well and increasing your movement. Light Therapy Light therapy is one of the top treatment recommendations for treating… View Article

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes or Reduce Your Risk of Developing It November is Diabetes Awareness Month, but you do not need to have diabetes to watch your sugar consumption. Make lifestyle changes to reverse or decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. How? You can start by reducing refined grains, sugary food and sugary… View Article

The various pressures and responsibilities faced by workers in the construction industry can lead to high levels of emotional stress. Whether your role is in an office, onsite supervising a crew, hands-on, or a combination of these, it’s likely that you face physically and mentally demanding work that takes place in fast-paced environments that often require… View Article

Loneliness has been a cause for concern for some time now, but even more during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve all felt it to a degree and understand how it can negatively affect our self-image. Did you know that loneliness is a bigger factor in increased mortality than smoking, obesity or sedentary lifestyles? Despite the restrictions lifting… View Article

54 percent of Canadians experiencing mental-health issues haven’t sought medical support. These issues can lead to increased absenteeism, presenteeism, and decreased productivity. That’s why it’s imperative you remind your team about resources, such as MindBeacon, available under their benefits plan. MindBeacon is affordable, accessible, and effective mental health care. It’s changing the therapy landscape for… View Article

With the rise in mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression comes awareness of therapies. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT or iCBT for the virtual version) is a recurring recommendation lately – and with good reason. But what exactly is CBT? What is CBT and How Does It Work? CBT is a form of… View Article

February 21, 2021 | FSEAP Solutions You would not overlook changing the oil in a new car—preventive maintenance. But what about your love relationship? Do you practice preventive maintenance with it? Many couple therapists say one of the biggest mistakes couples make is not giving as much attention to the relationship as they do their… View Article

February 21, 2021 | FSEAP Solutions The American Cancer Society has tips for family members supporting smokers trying to quit. Although the smoker is in charge, consider the following (among other tips): Ask the person quitting whether he or she wants you to check in with them about how they are feeling as they face… View Article

February 21, 2021 | FSEAP Solutions Opioid addiction is still a national emergency, with 130 related deaths each day. Construction workers are the most-affected occupational group according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) because pain from injuries is often treated with opioids. The Government of Canada recommends asking your doctor key questions if an… View Article

We are pleased to announce that the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust has partnered with PocketPills – Canada’s #1 digital pharmacy to give you a “stay home, stay healthy” option for your medication needs. As part of your coverage through the BCCA Employee Benefit Trust, you can now fill and manage your prescription from the convenience… View Article

From January 1 – 31, we want to see you and your team stomping the pavement. We also want to see at least 31 kilometres on your calendar at the end of the month, but get more people to join you because we will reward the office that has the most kilometres walked at the… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Dozens of studies link alcohol to breast cancer. Alcohol increases a woman’s risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Consumption of alcohol causes increased estrogen. Alcohol may damage DNA in cells. Consuming three alcoholic drinks a week raises the risk of breast cancer by 15% compared with not drinking. Alcohol consumption… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Google reports that searches for “anxiety” and “panic attacks” have skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic (CNN.com Aug. 24, 2020). Have you experienced anxiety and panic symptoms in the past year? Although anxiety and panic attacks don’t always require medication, benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ambien, etc.) are the class of… View Article

October 26, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Chances are that you could spot a physical health emergency like a heart attack, but could you do the same with a psychiatric emergency? Psychiatric emergencies may have no physical symptoms, but they can be just as life-threatening. Psychiatric emergencies fall into three categories: risk of harm to self,… View Article

Over the last decade, you may have heard the saying “sitting is the new smoking”. Though research has proven the saying is an exaggeration, scientists also agree that humans are meant to move. Here’s what a combination of excessive sitting (8+ hours per day) and minimal movement is doing to you. Cardiometabolic Risks Healy and… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions “Back-to-school” means something dramatically different this fall, but coping well with changes requires discussing them together as a family. After school, ask the kids how things are going, but expect the usual “hmm … fine.” To identify hidden worries, like bullying or social skills gaps that are causing distress,… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Brainstorming is powerful stuff. A group of people gather to find a solution by generating ideas without filtering, qualifying, judging, or feeling embarrassed about wild ideas. This resource does the same thing—you don’t need others to use this “fast idea generator” tool. Find it at www.nesta.org.uk/toolkit/fast-idea-generator. The worksheet prompts… View Article

Working remotely is the new normal for many employees. This change is requiring millions of workers to adapt. However, when family time increases, so can domestic stress. Add social isolation mandates, and you have a recipe for increased bickering and family squabbles. Have you experienced this “quarantine quarreling”? Has it affected your work productivity? We’re… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions There are best practices for coping with tragedy in the workplace, and communication is crucial for all of them. Share all the appropriate information. It facilitates healing discussions among workers. Don’t judge others’ reactions. There is no “correct” way of reacting to tragedy. Each person is unique, and the… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions “Walk faster and live longer” is a popular health tip. Now, research seems to support it. A three-year study of 92,000 people found that those who walked briskly for seven minutes daily within a 12-minute walk had a 30% lower likelihood of death. A two-minute brisk walk within a… View Article

September 21, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Embrace these overlooked work habits to impress company leadership: Put away the smartphone before the meeting begins. You might be producing good work as you’re tapping away, but phones are also fun, leisurely browsing devices. Many managers who have to compete with your phone might assume you’re indifferent, but… View Article

Did you know the average length of illness from the flu is seven days? That’s a long time to feel under the weather, a huge loss for your business (up to $1,500 in productivity/person), and a handful of stress added to your home life. The flu shot can help you avoid these consequences and you… View Article

For the past five years, we have organized flu shot clinics for our members and other employees in the construction industry. As we all know, this year is a little different. And the flu vaccine is more important than ever. We understand it may be challenging for each of your employees to attend the clinics…. View Article

What is ALAViDA? ALAViDA is a program that combines the ALAViDA app and therapy (and medication, if appropriate) to help individuals struggling with substance abuse issues. You start by completing a self-assessment. After completion, you will work through a 20-week program called the ALAViDA TRAiL Hello Program. This evidence-based approach aims to help you drink… View Article

What is AbilitiCBT? AbilitiCBT provides two services: virtual therapy and self-guided learning. iCBT – Virtual Therapy The virtual therapy is provided by regulated health professionals or members of a professional college/association in the province in which they practice. This internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy program can be accessed anywhere anytime – on the internet! Cognitive behaviour therapy… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions After months of social distancing, lockdowns, favorite businesses being shuttered, and a lot fewer places to go for recreation, meals, and entertainment, are you feeling “COVID fatigue”? The term was first coined in July, but the condition appears to be real. Feeling bottled up, intensely irritable, and frustrated are… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions One out of five adults averages over 40 hours a week online. Most average 24 hours. Who wouldn’t agree that at this rate, it is easy for life to pass you by? Reduce screen time without losing productivity by first adding up the hours spent online for a week… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Reframing is a mental strategy to overcome the distress of negative or disappointing events. Reframing starts with a key question: What good thing can come from this undesirable event? The goal is to change the way you think about and view undesirable situations. For example, if you don’t get… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Everyone knows dramatic changes have occurred in the way we live as a result of COVID-19. No one knows for certain what a “new normal” will look like in the future when the lockdowns and social isolation are over and the ultimate shifts in the world of work finally… View Article

August 11, 2020 | FSEAP Solutions Alcoholics Anonymous figured out how to carry its message of hope and recovery to alcoholics worldwide a long time ago, and the online portal it established could not be more timely in the era of COVID-19 social distancing. Over 1,000 meetings are a click away. To use the no-cost… View Article

Fall 2021 may be a bizarre time of year as schools reopen and we move towards “normal”. Many changes are expected for various institutions, but one thing remains constant – influenza (flu) season is upon us. As you know, catching the seasonal flu could be devastating for the overall health of your employees and their… View Article

What is MindBeacon? MindBeacon offers mental health tools you can access from the comfort of your computer. MindBeacon offers three programs: Stronger Minds, Virtual Therapy, and Live Therapy. Stronger Minds Stronger Minds by MindBeacon is your go-to source for reliable and relatable mental health information. MindBeacon built this community to provide you with the… View Article

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern. Most nations and their people observed the virus from afar, perceiving it as something that would not affect their daily lives. But today, three months later, leaders have put into effect nationwide shutdowns and suggest that their citizens… View Article