WEBINAR: Managing Diabetes and Reversing Prediabetes

90% of people living with diabetes have type 2. But we have good news! Type 2 diabetes is preventable and reversible when detected and managed early. So, empower your employees to maintain their health and encourage them to register for this workshop.

By the end of this workshop, you and your employees will:

  • Understand the importance of diet lifestyle modification
  • Learn which food choices can impact diabetes prevention and reversal
  • Discover dietary strategies to regulate blood sugar, and reduce or avoid medication

Date: Wednesday, March 2
Time: 1 – 2 PM (PST)

Register for the webinar and forward the link to your team.

Continue Your Education And Make Lifestyle Changes

When you register, you will automatically enter a draw for a $50 Sportchek gift card and a copy of The Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung (Canadian Nephrologist and diabetes expert). So, put it in your calendars because we will announce the winner at the end of the webinar.

Facilitator: Amy Chow, Registered Dietitian

Amy Chow is a Registered Dietitian and part of the NDC Nutrition at Work Team. A graduate of McGill University in Dietetics, Amy is your go-to Registered Dietitian if you’re looking for support with gut health, food allergies, diabetes, eating disorders and pediatric nutrition. With a decade of experience, she is passionate about inspiring you to feel confident about nutrition and bringing joy back to eating.