Mental health is a serious topic, but the conversation and education around it can be fun, lighthearted, and comfortable. Here are some ways you can comfortably talk about mental health with your family. Talk about yourself! An easy way to create an open, comfortable environment around taboo topics is to discuss your own experiences. Describe… View Article

Last year our Green Shield Canada (GSC) members were notified of GSC’s position on non-emergency extended health and dental claims incurred outside of Canada (not including drug claims) and that GSC would take a phased approach to provide a better plan member experience. As a reminder: Effective January 1, 2020, plan members must submit all non-emergency claims in… View Article

Adjudication: the process used by the insurance company to determine the eligibility of a claim and the amount to be reimbursed. Calendar Year Maximum: the maximum coverage available to an insured individual between January 1st and December 31st. Claims Experience: a measure of the claim payments made by the insurance company to the premium payments… View Article

Planning a trip abroad is an exciting process. You get to choose the perfect accommodations, research fun activities and explore new cultures. The last thing on your mind is something could go sideways. Thankfully you have travel insurance! Travel insurance offers peace-of-mind when planning a big trip. If you’re a member of the BCCA Employee… View Article

I sat down with a local marketing company recently to talk about their benefits. They’re a young team with the oldest employee at 33 years old. It’s no surprise that they didn’t know much about their benefits except they can get “free” massages, cheap glasses and affordable dental care. Younger people generally aren’t concerned… View Article